Monday, April 27, 2009

Fear of dental crown falling off in sleep and choking?

How strong is the cement dentists use to glue the crown on to the tooth? In the past, I had a bad fitting crown and it fell off several times when eating. The new gold crown I have on my back molar seems to fit better since it was done by a specialist. I still worry about the possibility of my crown falling off in my sleep and accidentally swallowing it in my sleep. Do you think I would wake up from my sleep if it fell off? If I would accidentally swallow it, is there a way for surgeons to remove it from my stomach? How can I overcome this fear?

Fear of dental crown falling off in sleep and choking?
dont worry it will not fall off if it does it wasnt put on right if u swallow it might cut u inside but it will disolve in ur stomach due to the acids
Reply:that would be a real bad luck
Reply:Hi! Relax. I've been in dentistry for over 25 years. And a cemented crown will not fall out unless it is already loose. You will not swallow and if you do, the GI tract will eliminate it the next day. Not a biggy. I've had patients tell me from other offices that they swallowed a crown or temp and it was history the next day. YOU will never need a surgeon so relax, forget about and don't worry. I never heard of anyone with an issue in 25 years. You have no reason to be alarmed. Believe me, I have never seen it yet. M

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