Monday, November 16, 2009

Do dental crowns cause bad breath?

my neighbor comes over and when he talks to you close there is a real foul smell in his breath. when I told him about it he said that he had to have his crown removed and replaced with a gold one because the porcelain one gives off a bad odor. any dentists out there agree?

Do dental crowns cause bad breath?
Im not a dentist but I can say from experiance

porcelain crown with or without gold crown

do not give or retain odrs

People with crowns think they dont have to brush thier teeth

because crowns dont rot like teeth do

however brushing is about TEETH GUMS and Tongue

a foul odor means that person has extreme tartar build up

and possibly a bad gum disease

tartar build up especially the thick lower front teeth type from coffee and cigarettes plain ol' STINKS
Reply:i thought having gold in your mouth makes ur breath pretty RANK. sounds like he needs to learn how to floss and brush his teeth/tongue properly.
Reply:I've had a porcelain crown for over a year and my breath never stinks!

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