Monday, November 16, 2009

Question about a crown?

I'm going to be getting my first dental crown on a molar in July because of a crack in my tooth. I'm just curious, will the pains that I feel when I bite down be gone as soon as the tempoaray crown is placed? Or, will I not feel a difference until the permanent crown is placed?

Question about a crown?
that is a good question. In my experience, the answer is variable... Since the temp crown is made out of some type of acrylic or resin (not as strong as permanent) and cemented with a weak temporary cement, you may still have some discomfort to biting. However, the theory is that since the tooth is ground down and covered 360 degrees by the temp, biting flexure of the tooth is minimized, thus less/no pain.

Be sure the dentist keeps the temp crown out of occlusion. You might want to look into having the dentist temporarily cement the permanent crown and see if your symptoms go away. If not, you may need a root canal, and it is easier to do that with the crown off the tooth. Otherwise, if the root canal is needed, the dentist would drill a hole through the new crown, and fill it after the root canal is completed.
Reply:You should feel a difference with the temporary crown.
Reply:The temp crown might feel awkard and unwieldy, but the pain should definately end, since the nerve will be protected. If you had root canal too, the nerve is deadened at that point.

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