Monday, November 16, 2009

What are the disadvantages of dental crowns?

i want to make sure im not going to make my teeth weeker or more suseptible to desease or damage by filing them down to a nub and putting crowns on them .i also want to know how permanent theiy are .do theiy brake fall off are they uncomfortable

What are the disadvantages of dental crowns?
Crowns should only be used when they are going to be a distinct advantage. From a dentist point of view, this usually means strengthening your tooth. If you want do do it for the sake of appearances, then this will be a personal decision.

The risks associated with crowns are:

1. If there is not enough natural tooth structure to hold the crown in place, then it could come off. This most commonly occurs for the little teeth 2nd from the front (lateral incisors) or for premolars.

2. As with any type of dental filling, some damage will be inadvertantly done to the "nerve" of your tooth. For most of us, the nerve recovers after a few days, but for some cases it will be too damaged and eventually die. A root canal therapy will now be needed.

3. A crown on a front tooth requires careful colour matching. Some dentists/labs use computerised photography. Make sure you are completely happy before having it cemented. However, over time your surrounding natural teeth will slightly darken, and you may wish to have the crown replaced when older.

4. Also, for some people their gum shrinks away as they get older, and this will reveal the join between the crown and the natural tooth. For a front tooth, this may not be attractive and you may want a remake.

Apart from these risks, a well-made crown could last you a lifetime, and are especially useful for back teeth. Each case has to be assessed by the dentist and the risks/benefits explained so that you can make an informed decision.
Reply:very expensive but worth it...
Reply:they are ussually exspensive. and the do fall off after awile.
Reply:If they do fall off, they can be put back on.
Reply:I have had them for years and they are still in fantastic condition.
Reply:I know that they are VERY expensive.

Either if they're cheap or not, they'll fall off sooner or later.

At first, they might be uncomfortable to some people, but to most, they're just uncomfortable when they're about to fall out, or when sticky hard candy gets stuck in them! But they can always be replaced.

Reply:I have 2 crowns. They have never fallen off and my tooth underneath has never broken. One of "the nubs" had a root canal before the crown was put on. It has not fallen off or broken off either and I have had it for more than 10 years. They are expensive, but the look and feel like real teeth. My dental insurance paid 50%. Some dentists take payment plans. Ask yours.
Reply:Dr. Matt has given you a great answer. I just want to add a little testimony. My dad was dentist before me and I still have some of his patients with crowns that were done in the 60's. Can't beat that, can you? 20-25 years is considered a "good life" for a crown, but as Matt says, they can last a lifetime for some.

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