Friday, May 21, 2010

Are Dental Labs protected by HIPAA and not allowed to provide the dental patient with records?

I had dental procedure that included the installation of 28 crowns and veneers. I sent the dentist a written request for the contents of my dental record, including the dental lab record. The dental lab record the dentist provided is incomplete. I have asked the dental lab for a copy of my order and all documents relating to my case. They in turn sent to me the same set of incomplete documents. I want to know what type of ceramic they used in the manufacture of my crowns and veneers and all pertinent information regarding the color and design the dentist ordered. I asked the Better Business Bureau for assistance and the Dental Lab is now claiming that they are covered under HIPAA and do not have to supply me (the patient) with any information regarding my order,unless required by a "court." Do you know if the HIPAA protection claim by the dental lab is accurate? Thank you for your help. This is very important to me.

Are Dental Labs protected by HIPAA and not allowed to provide the dental patient with records?
I am a medical resident and have had to review the HIPAA laws ad nauseum. You have a right to view your medical records, although the records are the property of the practitioner / facility. Facilities can charge a fee for retrieval, and require a reasonable time to retrieve the said records, but you certainly have a right to view your own recods. I would call back or preferrably go there in person and find out the proper channels to get your records. It sounds like they are making it more difficult than it needs to be.

Try this website:
Reply:Under the HIPPA provision, you are specifically given the right not only to see but receive a paper copy of your records (allowing reasonable notice to copy them, don't walk in a demand a copy you'll get no where fast). Here's a link to a notice regarding HIPPA rights:
Reply:They are full of it. Even with HIPAA you can sign a paper to release your records to another health care provider or your insurance company or to yourself. They are trying to keep you from taking the records to a new dentist. Insurance companies only allow for certain diagnostic procedures to be done once a year or every two years or what have you. If your new dentists hands are tied because they can't do x-rays and other necessary tests , they wont e able to treat you. You will have no choice but to stay with your old dentist and they know it. Threaten to get an attorney and to talk to someone at HIPAA and your insurance company. See what they have to say then
Reply:HIPAA protects the patient primarily. The regulations govern who can receive your medical records, but they are YOUR records.

Dental labs are tricky because HIPAA "covered entities" are only those providers who transmit information electronically. Most labs don't use electronic transmission of protected information.

The best way to get information about the dental lab is through the providing dentist. Dealing directly with the lab will probably get you nowhere. Please expand your answer and let us know if you are having a dispute with the dentist. If not, the dental office is in a much better position to get the information you are requesting.

Oh, and the lab is full of it. HIPAA does not protect "them" at protects "you".
Reply:HIPAA DOES NOT prohibit the patient from getting ANY of there OWN medical records.


It sounds like you got ripped off and payed for something you did not get.

by the way if you go to your court house and talk to the court clerk getting a court order is not that hard. and costs about the same as filing a small claims court suit. $35 TO $45.

it does not not take a lawyer.

the dental lab is betting you don't know this.

I believe the judge will rip them a new one when he hears this.

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