Friday, May 21, 2010

Lump on gum under crown.?

I've had some dental issues. A while back I had a root canal, but the dentist did not cap the tooth. Later on, as it happens, the tooth broke. So I got a crown, but it hasn't been great.

Along my gumline, there is a large protrusion, I'd say at least a cenemeter or two, it's a little tender to the touch and the gum area around my crown is still very sensitive, it hurts when I brush my teeth. I can push the crown with my tongue and it feels as if it moves, and it's slightly painful.

Has anyone had anything similar happen? I do not have the money to go to a dentist right away and I'm hoping I'm not in any serious danger of my tooth rotting out underneath the crown, or something. I just don't have the money to get dental work right now.

Lump on gum under crown.?

Sorry to read of your situation. I the tooth/crown is movable - even considerably, this is a bad sign. The fact that there is a bump there, a large one, makes this worse.

Have the tooth x-rayed to see how bad the infection is.

At this point extraction may be your only alternative.

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