Friday, May 21, 2010

Crown sensitivity....?

Last month, I had a crown put on a bottom molar that already had an old filling. The tooth had cracked. The dentist shaved down the tooth a bit, kept the filling intact, but now I'm having huge sensitivity issues when I eat/drink. Eating yogurt, or cereal, or cold water, or wine....hurts. It's exactly like when I had my temporary crown on and could feel *everything*. (FYI - I require blocks for any dental work). I currently use a whitening toothpaste, but wonder if I need to stop that and switch to Sensodyne. I really don't want to go back to the dentist (have been there five times in two months. But if I need to, I'll go in to make this irritation stop! Ack.

Crown sensitivity....?
when the dentist prepare the tooth to place the crown he remove part of your enamel to give room tho the porcelain, the enamel protects the tooth from acids, cold and hot meals, you should immediately switch to Colgate sensitive or have the dentist place a desensitizer to your tooth, it will help a lot.

good luck
Reply:It is highly probable that the root is cracked. If I am correct, the only treatment is to remove the tooth! Demand full restitution (refund or extraction and implant paid by the dentist). He had an obligation to know the extent of the crack BEFORE he made, and charged you for, a crown.

If you run into attitude from him, tell him you will be in touch with his licensing body to have them find a meaningful resolution to your problem.

Again, I cannot be certain, without seeing you, if my diagnosis is correct. You will have to look into it.

Good luck and be firm!

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